a - z指数



奖学金是一个包含全国竞争性奖助金的术语, 奖学金, 以及类似的融资机会. 通常,奖学金资助在美国的学习、研究或教学.S. 还是在国外. 这里列出的奖学金是全国竞争的, 有声望的奖项,是对你未来的投资.


I am a freshman, is it too early for me to be thinking about these fellowships?

No! It is never too early to start planning; it takes time to build the necessary experiences for these opportunities. Come by our office and we can help you plan your next three years at Northwest so that you will build a strong set of experiences.

Will a nationally competitive fellowship help pay my current tuition and fees?

在大多数情况下,没有. These fellowships are largely international opportunities and cannot be used at Northwest. 然而, some awards can be used to fund study abroad experiences while you are an undergraduate student. Note that funding is not typically available for 9 to 18 months after the application is due, 因此,提前规划是必要的.


好胜的学生精力充沛,成绩优异, 有潜力为公共利益做出重大贡献. 其他资产包括

  • 高分
  • 服务学习课程或有意义的志愿者经历
  • 荣誉课程(和其他严格的课程)
  • 研究经验
  • Teaching experience (become a supplemental instructor, peer advisor, or tutor)
  • 出国留学(最好是一个完整的学期)
  • 领导和参与校园和社区活动

如果这些公司真的很有竞争力,那就不太可能了. 我为什么要申请呢?

威尼斯人在线的学生取得了成功. 另外, students who have applied say that the application process is rewarding and educational whether or not they win. 申请者会发展在以后生活中使用的技能, 比如提案写作和面试, and receive personalized mentoring that can help them determine long-term goals and assist them throughout their educational experience. And, finally, the only guaranteed way to ensure you will not receive an award is to not apply!


应用程序很长. Most successful applicants spend 2 to 4 months working on the actual application and supporting documentation. 期待通过多轮论文草稿与威尼斯人在线的办公室, 交通顾问, 以及你的指导老师/导师. Remember that several of the fellowships also have a campus interview and nomination process, 这通常需要更早的截止日期和更多的时间. 大部分申请截止日期是大四的九月, so you will need to start working actively on your application in the spring of your junior year. You can begin pre-planning and making yourself a more competitive candidate even earlier. 任何时候到威尼斯人在线办公室来都不嫌早!


We work with students who are eligible for nationally competitive fellowships, 奖助金, 和奖学金. 威尼斯人在线提供

  • 关于项目和活动的建议,以加强你的教育经验
  • Information on fellowships and other opportunities to help you achieve your goals
  • Support and assistance leading to and throughout the fellowship application process, 包括如何加强论文和面试技巧
  • 获得强有力的推荐信的指导



It is never too early to start planning for your future, even if you are a freshman or sophomore. 是否申请研究生院, 研究的机会, 或者出国留学, you may be asked for evidence of your leadership and 服务 activities as well as your academic achievement. 你现在做的决定会影响你以后的选择. Start thinking about what excites you and where you would like to be in five years or so. 花时间在校园里获得不同的经验, 在社区里, 通过实习, 或者通过国外的经历.

Here are some tips to ensure you get your money’s worth out of being a student at a top 研究 university.

  • 争取 学术 在具有挑战性的课程中.
  • 从事能发展你的能力的活动 领导与沟通.
  • 寻找校园和社区 服务 经验,包括服务学习课程.
  • 探索本科 研究.
  • 到达 了解你的导师 每学期和发展导师,和 确保你的教练了解你!
  • 考虑 出国留学 学习一门外语.

而一些奖项是为一年级和二年级的学生提供的, 大多数都要求你从大三开始认真准备.

The steps you take to get the most out of your education at MU will also make you better prepared to apply for nationally competitive fellowships. 看到 加强教育 查看PDF了解更多信息.


联络办事处: fellowships@jxklpl.com 和访问 西北成功360 安排一个预约. 埃莉莎·福特,奖学金办公室主任. 你将会见到博士. 福特开Valk 53. 预约前, 想想你想从奖学金项目中得到什么, 你为什么对进修课程感兴趣, and what type of fellowship you are most interested in (visit our database at 寻找奖学金). Some fellowships require that your application is submitted through our office, 而其他奖学金则要求你自己提交. 无论哪种情况, many students find it helpful to seek guidance from our office regarding the application process, 个人陈述, 以及推荐信.



In order to submit the most complete application that accurately represents you, 你的兴趣, 还有你的目标, 重要的是 尽早启动应用程序. 以下是一些重要的链接和文件:


Here are some essential tips for conducting your fellowships campaign in a professional manner. You want to work in a manner that promotes success both for the present and the future.

  • 应用要点 查看PDF (密苏里大学) 


This short piece of writing is your chance to convey your passion and personality in the application: who you are as a person, why you want to the fellowship and how it will prepare you for a future career path, 你和其他申请者有什么不同, 以及你将如何为项目本身做出贡献.  If you dedicate significant effort and thought into this portion of the application and meet regularly with the 奖学金 Office for critiques and suggestions, you will successfully engage fellowship review committees that read through hundreds of applications.

  • 撰写个人陈述的探索 查看PDF – Advice for writing a personal statement from the University of Missouri 奖学金 Office Director
  • 个人论文写作的注意事项 查看PDF (通过一个. 斯科特·亨德森,弗曼大学)
  • 写个人陈述 (作者:普渡大学写作实验室)
  • 个人陈述和论文 (通过奖学金 & 伍斯特理工学院奖学金办公室)
  • 个人陈述(加州大学伯克利分校)


Most fellowship programs require that you obtain at least two letters of recommendation, 通常是教职工.  在开始申请之前,先了解一下你的老师.  What professors have you visited during office hours and engaged with regularly in class?  谁在做你感兴趣的研究?  Once you decide on a faculty member to write a letter of recommendation, bring that person your 非官方的成绩单, 一份干净的个人陈述草稿, 重新开始, and descriptions of the papers and presentations that you completed in his/her class.

  • 写强有力的推荐信 查看PDF -逐步制定和写一封好信的过程, 以及演示性能的术语列表.
  • 推荐信 (马里兰州洛约拉大学) 


Often, major fellowships, such as Fulbright and Truman, require an interview for finalists.  Here are some helpful links to prepare for one-on-one or committee interviews:


Here are some important resources and programs available to you on the Northwest campus.  除了威尼斯人在线的办公室, these other programs provide you with the tools to apply to national and international fellowships as a competitive applicant.


你是否获得了国家奖学金, 这个过程会让你在申请过程中积累经验. Often students who apply to fellowships also apply to graduate or professional schools. The following document gives advice on when to begin thinking about graduate school and the application process.